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Dr. Rosie DVM

Resting Areas

While you're aware that cats enjoy scratching, understanding why and how to encourage "proper" scratching is essential.

Creating a Safe Resting Area for Your Cat:

  • Cats prefer to rest in areas where they feel safe and secure, as they are most vulnerable while sleeping.
  • Desirable resting areas are typically quiet, comfortable locations where the cat can escape from other family members.

Choosing a Resting Spot:

  • Your cat may choose to rest in elevated areas like on top of kitchen cupboards or under the bed, or she may prefer to sleep in a cat tree, on your bed, or on the sofa.

Encouraging Resting in Designated Areas:

  • Owners who prefer to keep the cat off furniture can provide a refuge in a quiet part of the house.
  • A refuge should be a less-traveled or out-of-the-way area with access to essentials like a bed, food, water, litter box, scratching post, perch, and toys.

Creating a Comfortable Sleeping Area:

  • Cat beds can be purchased, but snug blankets and towels are equally appealing to cats and easy to wash.
  • The refuge should be a place where your cat feels safe and comfortable, such as a bedroom or back room.

Respecting Your Cat's Resting Space:

  • It is important not to disturb your cat while she is resting, as she values her privacy during these times.
  • Respect her privacy when she is resting, and she will be more likely to seek your company when she is ready to interact.
My Person Suggestions